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Interlibrary Loan Round Table - March 2025 Summary

Vermont Interlibrary Loan Round Table Meeting Summary

March 11, 2025

The meeting recording may be viewed here.



  • Introductions of Vermont Department of Libraries Staff, Karalyn Mark, Interlibrary Loan and Government Services Librarian, and Joshua Muse, Consultant for Library Technology
  • Introductions by meeting attendees/members of the Vermont ILL Community

Reminders Shared by Vermont Department of Libraries Staff:

  • If you have any questions about the status of an ILL request, please do not hesitate to contact Karalyn directly at,, or via The Ask a Librarian Contact Form. A good starting point is checking the Lenders and Borrowers notes in a CLOVER request record. If possible, please include the CLOVER request number with your inquiry. We are glad to help with troubleshooting requests or providing clarification as to why a request was not filled.
  • Please include ISBN numbers in CLOVER Requests if possible.

Reminders Shared by Meeting Attendees:

  • Please double-check due dates for items in CLOVER and ensure they are aligning with the dates in the ILS.
  • When reviewing a CLOVER request record, please take a moment to check the Lenders and Borrowers notes.
  • Before shipping library materials, please check for any damage, mold, etc.

List of Questions Asked:

1. What is the difference between “Retry” and “Unfilled” requests in CLOVER? If a request has a status of “Retry,” should one fill out a new request form and submit it? In “Retry,” there is the status option, and also the option to Rebuild a Lender List. Is one of these a preferred next step?

"Retry" status is intended to mean that while an item is currently unavailable to loan, it may be later. " Unfilled" means there is a more in-depth and potentially permanent issue with the request. If you receive a request back from VSS with a status of “Retry” our “Unfilled,” please check the Lender Notes within the CLOVER request record. ILL Staff will often include helpful notes about the status of your request and potential next steps.

Below are a few potential paths forward to Retry your request for individual items (information about multi-copy requests is at Q&A #5):

  • Starting a New Search:
    1. You may create a new CLOVER request and limit the search for the library catalog for the specific library you’d like to request from.
    2. Next to the Search Bar, click on the “pancake” icon (stacked circles), which pulls up a list of libraries. Clicking the checkbox to the left of “Clear All” will clear all selections. After checking the box for the intended library, you may enter your terms in the Search Bar and proceed.
    3. When you have located the title, click on “Request This Item,” and complete the Request Form.
  • Change the Lender List Manually (option A):
    1. In the current CLOVER Request Record, in the Lender List field, add a line that reads: CloverCode,4:OVR – if there is more than one library, enter it on the next line. Then set the Status Options to Approved-Send.
    2. You can find a partial list of Clover codes here (
      o NOTE: The phrase “CloverCode” will be replaced with the library’s Clover Code, for example E7,4:OVR
  • Change the Lender List Manually (option B):
    1. Locate the item record (see #1)
    2. Complete steps to submit a request:
      • Locate a title with multiple holdings, if available (noted in parentheses next to the format “Book”).
      • On the lefthand side of the book record, click “Request This Item.”
      • The lender list will automatically populate in the CLOVER request.
      • Edit the Lender List by deleting all locations, except for the library/libraries you want.
      • Complete the other required fields for the request form, and submit the request.

2. What is the Vermont Department of Libraries’ process for filling out-of-state loan requests?

  1. ILL Staff will begin by double-checking in CLOVER to confirm there are no in-state copies available. If there are in-state copies, we will manually add libraries to the Lender List and set the status to “Refer to Next Lender.” This status update sends the request to the newly added libraries for their consideration. If the request is filled via the Lender List, the process is complete.
  2. If no in-state copies are available, we search for titles in OCLC Worldshare. We search for libraries lending for free (by applying a “freelocs” filter). OCLC permits us to submit requests with a maximum of 15 libraries included in the “lender string”. Sometimes, there are a few dozen libraries, and others, only a few! The request is shared with potential lending libraries in a queue, similarly to CLOVER. Items are shipped directly to the Vermont borrowing library from the OCLC lending library.
  3. Reminder: When a book is received from out-of-state, please mark it as Received in CLOVER. This allows us to update the status to “Received” in OCLC to notify the lending library.
  4. If no free lending locations are available, we are glad to offer the option of fee-based ILLs and will provide a range provided by potential lending libraries in the OCLC record.

3. When a library receives a book intended for another library, should we loop in the VTLIB staff, communicate with the libraries directly, report this in the courier stats, etc.?

  • Please email the library directly and cc . Please also include this item in your monthly courier statistics.

4. Should both ISBNs and OCLC numbers be included on ILL Requests?

  • The ISBN will do the trick! If you’re in a pinch for time, a combination of ISBN and Title will typically work.

5. How do you request multiple copies of a book in CLOVER (for a book club, not book kits)?

How to Request Multiple Copies in Clover:

  1. Search for the title as you normally would for a single-copy request.
  2. Locate a title with multiple holdings (noted in parentheses next to the format “Book”).
  3. On the lefthand side of the book record, click “Multi Copy.”
  4. The lender list will automatically populate in the CLOVER request.
  5. Note the amount of copies requested in the field “Number of Copies Needed” and complete the other required fields for the request form.
  6. Submit the request.

6. When a requesting a book held by many libraries, with multiple copies in a collection, it seems that if any of the copies is checked out (even with others available), that library is skipped in the lender list (with a note of “item not available” in the request record’s history). Have others experienced this? Is this a common or known problem?