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Interlibrary Loan Round Table - May 2021 Summary

News items:

1. Fletcher Free Library is switching over to Koha! Yay! 

please feel free to reach out with any tips to Michelle Lee.

2. Jennifer from Richmond Free- sending bills out through Clover. How to retrieve materials that are 1 year overdue? What are the Best Practices? Across the board the librarians believe you should reach out to the loaning library and try to talk with someone new or get contact info and send an email.  We believe that reminders are helpful before you send a bill.

3. April Shaw will send out copies of Best Practices to all the Libraries

4. Plug for "Kit Keeper" GMLC -book discussion kits.  20 libraries across the state have350 kits.

You can join with 1 kit!, Cost of Kit is around  $10-20. Kit Keeper is not connected to Clover.

5. Jenny from Charlotte- The Re-try button is just for books that have been rejected from will supply with a reason code noting the book may become available soon such as "currently out of circulation". If you tick "will not supply" without a reason, the book will go back out to all loaning libraries.

6. Courier problems- Call courier directly or contact A.S.



Next Meeting is 8/5/21 from 10am-12pm

It is our 3 year anniversary and we hope to play a trivia game so please send in trivia questions & fun facts to A.S.


Sharing Visions was a resource sharing conference last Fall that April Shaw has been asked to organize for this year in the Fall, It will be a half day conference. More to come!



The Recording of the May 6, 2021 Interlibrary Loan Round Table Meeting is available here.