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Capital Project Grant Funding Opportunities for Public Libraries

The Vermont Department of Libraries is administering two federal capital project grant opportunities for public libraries in Vermont:
$16.4M U.S. Treasury Capital Projects Fund for Libraries 
$10M Public Facilities Preservation Initiative Grants 
General Information About These Funds

$16.4M U.S. Treasury Capital Projects Fund for Libraries

UPDATE: Thank you for your interest in the U.S. Treasury Capital Projects Fund for Libraries grant. This is a highly competitive grant program, and we understand all who engaged in the application process are eager for updates.  This is a multi-step and multi-agency assessment process.  Please rest assured that we are diligently working on the evaluation of all applications.  We appreciate your continued patience as we work through this selection process, which remains confidential under the Vermont Public Records Act until awards are determined and grant agreements are executed.  Updates will be published to this page when publicly available.


The American Rescue Plan Act (“ARPA”) Capital Projects Funds provides $10 billion for payments to eligible governments to carry out critical capital projects in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency. Through this program, the Department of Libraries will administer $16.4 million in Capital Project funds toward capital improvements to Vermont’s public libraries.

Goal: To address critical building improvements to ensure Vermonters have continued access to high-speed Internet to directly enable work, education, and health monitoring at their local public libraries.


  • January 30, 2024: Webinar Video: U.S. Treasury Projects Fund Grant Application Launch (YouTube)
  • January 30, 2024 through March 12, 2024: Grant Application for the U.S. Treasury Capital Projects Fund for Libraries is open
  • Summer 2024: Grant Awards will be announced
  • December 31, 2026: End of the period of performance for all U.S. Treasury Capital Project Funds


    $10M Public Facilities Preservation Initiative Grants

    The Vermont Department of Libraries' $10M for Public Facilities Preservation Initiative Grants for small, rural public libraries in Vermont is administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) through their FY2023 Economic Initiative Community Project Funding program.

    This funding was made possible by the support of Senator Leahy, who included the Department’s proposal in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023. 

    The Department's grant application for these funds will be open to all rural and small public libraries in Vermont with the exception of public libraries that received specific, individual earmarks for support through the Congressionally Directed Spending process.

    Goal: To provide resources to address repair and mitigation needs in small, rural public libraries that also serve as community meeting spaces and public facilities, with a focus on economically depressed areas.


    • Fall 2024: The Department will launch the competitive grant application with a webinar
    • Fall/Winter 2024: The application for Public Facilities Preservation Initiative Grants opens
    • Spring 2025: Grant Awards will be made 
    • August 31, 2031: End of the period of performance for all FY2023 Community Project Fund grants


    General Information

    The Department of Libraries' goal is to support Vermont communities in successfully accessing both the U.S. Treasury Capital Projects Fund for Libraries and Public Facilities Preservation Initiative Grants funds for which their public library is eligible.

    The Department recommends that every public library apply for all grant funding for which it is eligible. That said, these will be competitive grants that will enable some public libraries to complete capital projects. However, the funding does not fully meet the significant need for capital projects funding in all of Vermont’s 187 public libraries. The Department aims to support libraries across Vermont and anticipates making awards to at least one public library in each of Vermont’s 14 counties through these two programs.

    If your capital project fits within the parameters of both the U.S. Treasury Capital Projects Fund for Libraries and Public Facilities Preservation Initiative Grants, then the Department recommends that you apply for both grant opportunities.

    Get Ready!

    If you haven’t already, you should start working on advancing your capital project. The further along your library is with planning and raising funds for your capital project, the better positioned you will be to apply for these and other grant opportunities.

    The Department has assembled these capital project related resources for libraries:


    Please direct any questions to

    Stay Informed!

    Communications about the Capital Projects Grants will be shared with Vermont’s public library community via our three main listservs: lib.staff, lib.trustee, and VTLibraries.

    The Department of Libraries has also created a new listserv dedicated to capital projects updates: To join this listserv, please complete this form.

    Capital Projects Needs Assessment (Completed)

    (updated 06/11/2024)