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HUD Public Facilities Preservation Initiative Grants

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Public Facilities Preservation Initiative Grants for Small, Rural Public Libraries

The Vermont Department of Libraries' $10M for Public Facilities Preservation Initiative Grants for small, rural public libraries in Vermont is administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) through their FY2023 Economic Initiative Community Project Funding program.  This funding was made possible by the support of Senator Leahy, who included the Department’s proposal in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023. This funding will be used to provide capital project subgrants to public libraries in Vermont serving rural communities. All public libraries in Vermont will be eligible to apply for the funding, however preference will be given to small libraries located in rural communities.


The Department of Libraries will utilize the Capital Project Fund (CPF) grant of $10M to provide capital project subgrants to public libraries in Vermont serving rural communities.


  • 2025: The Department will launch the competitive grant application with a webinar
  • August 31, 2031: End of the period of performance for all Public Facilities Preservation Initiative grants


Email Contact

Please direct any questions to

Stay Informed

Communications about the Capital Projects Grants will be shared with Vermont’s public library community via our three main listservs: lib.staff, lib.trustee, and VTLibraries.

The Department of Libraries has also created a listserv dedicated to capital projects updates: To join this listserv, please complete this form.


(Updated 11/5/24)