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Palace Project for Patrons

The Palace Project is an app that allows users to check out eBooks and eAudiobooks on their phones and tablets, much like checking out a physical book. The collection includes more than 7,500 items for all ages and interests.

What Do I Need?

  • Apple or Android Phone or Tablet (older devices may exhibit some quirks)
  • Card at your Local Library (optional)

What is in the Collection?

The collection currently includes over 3,300 eAudiobooks and 3,100 eBooks in English, as well as more than 1,500 eBooks in other languages. Additionally, there are more than 15,000 curated eBooks that are public domain or open access. The collection serves as a core collection for the state, providing something for everyone, but not trying to carry everything for everyone, all at no cost to libraries or readers. It has eBooks and eAudiobooks for every age and taste – adult mysteries, kids’ picture books, YA dystopian tales, cookbooks, histories, and more. Where possible, we have focused on diverse authors and topics, Vermont award winners, and Vermont-related books.

Depending on you library, you may also have access to the Green Mountain Library Consortium's collection via Palace. Thanks to GMLC for all of their support throughout this project.

How Do I Access the Palace Project?

  1. Get your Apple/iOS or Android Phone or Tablet. Unfortunately, Palace doesn't currently work on ereaders, laptops, or the web.
  2. Go to the App Store or Google Play Store, and download it under "Palace Project", or follow this link.
  3. Login to Palace Project app:
    • If you have a card with your local library, choose the library. At your first checkout, it will ask you to enter your library card and password/PIN (ask your library if you're not sure). For some libraries, you'll want to scroll down to where it says Create a Card. You'll create an account with a password, and receive an email with your barcode and a verification link. You'll use this barcode and password going forward.
    • If you don't have a card, or if your library doesn't participate in Palace Project, you can instead pick Book Vermont as your library. The first time you checkout, scroll down to where it says Create a Card. You'll create an account with a password, and receive an email with your barcode and a verification link. You'll use this barcode and password going forward.
  4. To find books, click the Catalog tab on the bottom, and then scroll down to see categories of books, like children’s fiction or adult non-fiction. Click a category (like fiction) to see sub-categories (like adventure and mystery). You can limit by eBooks or Audiobooks at the top. Or click the magnifying glass to search for a specific title or author.
  5. When you find a book, click the Get button, and the item will start downloading immediately. Go to My Books to read/listen to your items.
  6. Items are checked out for 1-2 weeks (depending on the item). They can't currently be renewed, but you can check the item out again as long as no one else has checked it out.

What if I Have Questions?

Reach out to your local library, or email Joshua Muse if they aren't able to answer your question.