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Cataloging and Technical Services

The Technical Service Unit of the Vermont Department of Libraries works with, and provides services to, all types of libraries.


Examples of cataloging policies, manuals, and style guides from libraries in Vermont:

Thank you to the libraries who sent these in! If you have a manual/policy/style guide that you would like to share with others here, or if you'd like some feedback on what you have, please send it to


Discover what automated systems are used by other libraries in Vermont:


Physical books, available through Inter-Library Loan from VTLIB, on Technical Services:

Organizing Library Collections: Theory and Practice, by Gretchen L Hoffman (2019) Rowman & Littlefield

Telling the Technical Services Story: Communicating Value, (2021) ALA Editions

Project Management in Technical Services: Practical Tips and Case Studies, (2022) ALA Editions

Cataloging Correctly for Kids: an Introduction to the Tools and Practices, (2021) ALA Editions

Archival Basics: a Practical Manual for Working with Historical Collections, by Charlie Arp (2019) Rowman & Littlefield

Radical Cataloging: Essays at the Front, (2008) McFarland & Co.

Conversations with Catalogers in the 21st Century, (2011) Libraries Unlimited

Plus more!